
Photography & video by Jeremy Jeziorski

Burning Man - Part IV


Click for part Ipart II, or part III. And the conclusion... I added one of my favorite shots of The Man out of sequence at the end.

Most of the large, ornate installations burn before the end of the event. I captured the burning of the man below - which is an epic event, to say the least. My photos are a joke compared to the immensity of the energy, the conflagration, the sound, the heat that happened. Really, nothing captures hundreds of fire dancers, dozens and dozens of art car sound systems and tens of thousands of people thumping in a circle around a 100-foot-tall flame like the senses.

I unfortunately had to leave before the burning of the Temple the following day. After a week of being filled with wishes, prayers, meditations and messages for those we've lost - it's a very emotional event for most. Just remembering the energy of the place makes me pause & collect myself, even sitting here at our breakfast nook typing away.

The playa gave me something special, and I hope I gave it a bit of myself while I was there. And I hope to make it back some day.

In the meantime - I hope to carry at least a bit of that playa energy with me. To smile at a stranger once in a while. To surprise random people with the delight of creativity. To constantly push the envelope of what we think we're capable of.

For me, at least. That's what it was about.

For me, that's what it's all about.